Dream Work

Dream Work

from CA$50.00

Did you know that 95% of your brain works behind the scenes? We can’t hear it, control it or even know what is going on back there… unless we do the work of consciously uncovering it through dream work, journalling and diving a level deeper than our logic wishes to go. Dreams are the gateway to our unconscious.

In a Dream Work session, we dive into your dream, explore the meaning and come up with an action plan to go deeper and to process the new information and how to apply it to your daily life.

I have been studying Dreams for over 20 years now (since I was 9) and am completely infatuated with the symbols, experiences and developments I have given to myself and also been able to support family, friends and clients as well.

For the 30 minute session: This is great for those short dreams, ones that can be summed up in a few sentences.

For 60 minute session: This session is if you want to dive DEEP into a small dream or work through those longer, more impactful dreams. This is the one I would suggest for reoccuring dreams and nightmares as they usually require a bit more work.

Session Length:
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